Building Solid Foundations
Make The Most For Your Child
If you’ve already visited a school and want to enroll, all you need is in our Enrollment Packet. Get a checklist of what to bring, along with the forms you need to get started. Download, print, and complete the packet for your next visit. Should your family have additional enrollment considerations, please note we have specific paperwork for children with Special Needs, Severe Allergies, and Blood Glucose/Diabetes Management needs.
Building Solid Foundations
Make The Most For Your Child
If you’ve already visited a school and want to enroll, all you need is in our Enrollment Packet. Get a checklist of what to bring, along with the forms you need to get started. Download, print, and complete the packet for your next visit. Should your family have additional enrollment considerations, please note we have specific paperwork for children with Special Needs, Severe Allergies, and Blood Glucose/Diabetes Management needs.
Building Solid Foundations
Making Learning
Fun & Easy
At Stepping Stones, children realize all the thrills of youth while building solid social and scholastic foundations. Our kids learn to respect each other and how to work with one another all while having a ton of fun. Here, they get to explore the wonders of learning.
As an early childhood development center science, technology, engineering, and math are incorporated into everything we do in our classrooms. Our synergistic, cultivating classrooms offer curriculums that work from infant care to school-age.

Something For PreSchoolers
For children 2 - 5 years old

Attention, Caring & Sharing
Getting Ready for Kindergarten
To engage and nurture your child, we provide a balance of freedom and instruction. Our early childhood education classroom is designed as a learning community, where your child not only builds skills vital to success in kindergarten, but also gains respect for others, and a strong sense of confidence.
In this program, children are educated through:
Fostering independence
Cooperation & communication skills
Hands-on learning
Literacy and number concepts

Attention, Caring & Sharing
Progressive Measures + Our Curriculum
Pre-K Progress, our goal-based program, is intended to precisely meet the evolving needs of children in this age group. Preschoolers will start to accomplish goals in several developmental areas:

Approaches to Learning
The ability to solve problems, explore the world around them, become more independent.

Language Development
The ability to communicate effectively using sounds, expressions, body language, and finally, oral and written language; ability to understand and respond to the communication of others.

Physical Development
The ability to coordinate and control large and small muscle movements; increasing awareness of health and safety concepts.

Social-Emotional Development
The ability to interact with others and their increasing awareness of themselves and their emotions; understanding of their relationships with others, such as family, friends, community members.

Preschool One offers exciting, cross-curricular to help children actively learn about their world in a fun and meaningful way. Our three-year olds utilize this curriculum Preschool Two offers challenging and exciting ways for children to reach their maximum potential within the scope of the curriculum. Framework balances child initiative and teacher directed activities which promote family involvement.
At Stepping Stones, children realize all the thrills of youth while building solid social and scholastic foundations. Our kids learn to respect each other and how to work with one another all while having a ton of fun. Here, they get to explore the wonders of learning.
As an early childhood development center science, technology, engineering, and math are incorporated into everything we do in our classrooms. Our synergistic, cultivating classrooms offer curriculums that work from infant care to school-age.

Peace-of-Mind For You and Them
Safety and Security Come First
We work hard to provide you with peace-of-mind, from the second you drop off your kiddo, until the minute you pick them up. At Stepping Stones, we preserve a safe space, from the front door, to the classrooms, to the playgrounds, where educators are able to give personalized, nurturing care to each and every child, so they may learn, play and grow.