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Learning Never Stops


We work to make sure their opportunities will meet their preparedness 

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Building Solid Foundations

Making Learning

Fun & Easy

At Stepping Stones, children realize all the thrills of youth while building solid social and scholastic foundations. Our kids learn to respect each other and how to work with one another all while having a ton of fun. Here, they get to explore the wonders of learning.


As an early childhood development center science, technology, engineering, and math are incorporated into everything we do in our classrooms. Our synergistic, cultivating classrooms offer curriculums  that work from infant care to school-age.


Our philosophy and curriculum are inspired by STEM: science, technology, engineering, and math.

Young Teacher

Educators >

Our extensively trained and supportive teachers nurture and encourage each child individually.

Afro American Kid

Behavior >

Our educators are empowered with methods to turn challenging behavior into positive learning experiences.

Attention, Caring & Sharing

A Brilliant Method Towards Education

Our educational method supports and cultivates what makes your child special. This emphasis on the “complete child” means they form academic skills, like science, reading, math, art and more, as well as social/life skills—such as cooperating and building relationships friends—to be ready for elementary school.


AWARENESS: We watch and measure every child to pick up on their interests and necessities.


CARING: We utilize these interpretations and valuations to design a curriculum custom-made for each of our students.


SHARING: We then connect each kid’s educational and schoolroom experiences with you.

On The Right Track

The Path To

School & Life

Across each program, and every schoolroom, we acknowledge the particular necessities of each child centered not only on their ages, but also their individual rates of development. Our focus on the path to school readiness has all the stages and milestones essential to assure kids are prepared for primary school, secondary education and beyond.

Get On The Right Path

We Are Here For You

The Most Convenient Locations In Dallas

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